Would you rather have free internet or pay?


      Hello everyone, it’s another week in the banter calendar. Our week starts every Thursday because it’s that particular day you get stressed out after all the hustling from Monday and you just can’t wait for the weekend to arrive. How’s your week going? Is it smooth as planned or gross?  Let us know about your adventures & how your weekend is going to be in the comment section below. 

      Now unto today’s topic of discussion for the week. It’s a funny trivia question I stumbled upon just yesterday when I found the #WhyIDontShareMyWifi hashtag trending on Twitter. The tweets were damn hilarious & that’s because most times we pay to get internet connection in our homes, schools, workplaces smartphones, modems, routers e.t.c Sometimes we get lucky when a neighbor mistakenly forgot to put off his/her Wi-Fi hot-spot & there’s no password. The smile on your face will boom more when the Wi-Fi signal is very strong with free internet to tap into. 
     Here comes the question, would you rather have free internet or continue paying for subscription as usual. I had a street chat with some youngsters where I live. 75% supported the idea of free internet policy, at least they wouldn’t have to pay a dime anymore while 25% supported the pay as you consume data, because the internet is an ocean of information and nothing good comes free, so if you need it, pay for it and get what you asked with dignity. 

     This conversation shouldn’t just end like that. We’ll need your comments and views about the topic of discussion. Would you rather have free internet or pay for it. Tell us using the comment box below. Thanks. 


  1. I rather have free internet. Although there are ills to it like you mentioned, but I like to think the advantages are more. E.g. I get to watch videos anyhow on things I want to learn more about.


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